Like the popular mini-series created by DC and Marvel, I
have decided to apply the “What If?” story to some of my articles. Certain
subjects such as: what if this movie was successful or this cartoon series
expanded to others or if a comic series didn’t get enough credit. For my
opening “What If?” article, I have decided to ask the question: what if there
was a Spiderman 4?
Most of you have a
pretty easy answer to this question, “it would suck just like Spiderman 3”, or
“I guess it would be alright, but not as good as other superhero movies today”.
And I completely agree, which is why I’m about to do some history altering.
Imagine that Spiderman 3 was a success, that the film didn’t have a lot of
redundant scenes, that it didn’t focus so much on the Sandman’s personal
problems, that it expanded a little more on the Venom story, and most
importantly, that we didn’t see Peter Parker’s “unique” dance skills (it was
weird, just weird). So, at this point in my alternate reality, Sam Raimi and
the crew are working on a successful sequel to Spiderman 3. The cast has
returned and their characters are given a chance to become examined further. In terms of villains,
there was much speculation in the early production of this film (this is real
by the way) that the Vulture would act as the main adversary for old Web-head,
along with a side-story involving Ben Reilly and the Scarlet Spider. The idea
was great, introduce a simple villain like the Vulture and don’t go too deep
into his origins and personal life, but focus on the main plot involving Spidey
and his clone. Jake Gyllenhaal was considered to play Ben Reilly due to the
fact that he looks a little like Tobey Maguire and that the two just played
brothers in the movie Brothers. This would be bringing back the tale from the
comics called The Clone Saga, which involved the investigation as to whether
Ben Reilly was the clone of Peter, or if Peter was in fact the clone.